Data Variables & Maps

🗝️ claims

The claims map holds all outstanding claims for tokens or underlying. It maps the claim-id to:

  • the depositor's address: the total amount of the investor's BTC in the vault

  • the epoch-id: the epoch when the claim was created

  • the underlying-amount: the amount of underlying queued for deposit

  • the token-amount: the amount of token queued for withdrawal

Please note: a claim always has only one amount property greater than zero.

  • For deposit claims: underlying-amount > 0

  • For withdrawal claims: token-amount > 0

🗝️ claims-for-address

The claims-for-address map holds all claim-ids for a specific depositor principal. It maps the depositor address to:

  • the deposit-claims: a list of all deposit claim-ids for the address

  • the withdrawal-claims: a list of all withdrawal claim-ids for the address

🗝️ epoch-info-for-claims

The epoch-info-for-claims map maps an epoch-id to:

  • the underlying-per-token-settled: the token price at the end of the epoch. This value is used in the claim function to calculate the correct token and underlying amounts.

Please note: the epoch-info-for-claims map holds the same value for underlying-per-token-settled as the epoch-info map in core.


The total-pending-deposits variable holds a uint number representing the sum of the underlying amount that has been queued for deposit but is not yet active.


The underlying-reserved-for-claims variable holds a uint number representing the sum of the underlying that is reserved for claims but has not yet been claimed. All the underlying held in this variable is not active and is not being used for trading activities.


The tokens-reserved-for-claims variable holds a uint number representing the sum of the tokens that are reserved for claims but have not yet been claimed.


The current-claim-id variable holds a uint number representing the claim-id of the last claim that was created.


The current-epoch-id variable holds a uint number representing the epoch-id of the current epoch.

Please note: the current-epoch-id in vault is the same as the one in core.

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